Thursday, January 2, 2014

My Accomplishments for 2013

Personally and professionally, 2013 was a productive year for me.  In many ways, it was a year of setting events in motion, and it was certainly a year of big changes.

First, my advice to you, gained through experience.  Write a list of your own accomplishments for 2013.  You will probably be impressed with what you got done.  It's a great way to get some perspective, to see where your stand currently, and to give you an idea of what to do in 2014.  I don't do New Year's resolutions, because I'm constantly improving and making minor course adjustments as I learn how to live better.

Here is what I accomplished last year:

  • Polished up my 3D modeling demo reel, and added a train model.
  • Moved from Santa Cruz to Orange, California, to be closer to the entertainment industry.
  • Got my son into school.
  • Primarily squeeked by financially by writing hundreds of articles as a freelancer.
  • Edited several books.
  • Ran the successful Kickstarter for my upcoming novel, Bodacious Creed.
  • Published Bodacious Success, an article about how I ran my Kickstarter campaign.
  • Created, the book's website.
  • Wrote the first 31,400 words of Bodacious Creed during NaNoWriMo.
  • Got a car.
  • Started this blog, From Idea To Art.
  • Read many novels.
Here are the things I've set in motion that will fall into place in 2014:

  • Started Bodacious Creed, the novel, which I hope to publish in August.
  • Arranged after school day care for my son, so that I can finally get a job outside the house (I'm a single father).  He's going to start soon.
  • Signed up with temp services and art agencies so that, hopefully, finding work won't take long.
  • Began a new modeling project, creating characters from Boacious Creed.  I hope to use them to update my demo reel this year.
  • Began to study book marketing, and will apply what I learn to my own books.
Those are the major points!  What did you accomplish in 2013?  I'd love to hear about it!